Often, a fresh perspective or set of eyes on a challenging situation can help identify new solutions. From aiding in identifying problem areas to developing processes to improve company morale, Empower can help you develop the necessary solutions.
With over 3,000 organizations served to date, our leadership experts are here to help.

We’re all guilty of getting too close to a problem to be able to clearly see all of the possible solutions. Empower’s experts have decades of leadership experience, across a spectrum of types of organizations.
When working with our team, the first thing we’ll do is go into inquiry mode. Often, problematic areas may arise as a result of a different, underlying issue. We’ll work alongside to develop a deeper understanding of the team or organization to determine the issues that need to be addressed.
We all know that strong leadership drives success. From helping provide solutions to known issues, to working together to find ways to improve and grow your leadership, Empower can help you put together the toolkit to win at business.
Some of our consulting services include:
∙ Company culture evaluations & improvement plans
∙ Organizational reviews
∙ Leadership onboarding
∙ Corporate staffing challenges and concerns
∙ Collegiate leadership programs
∙ Investigation consulting services
∙ Team Assessment Survey, Leadership Inventories, and Personality Assessments